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Unity Error without specific reason - it works but has red lines on visual studio files As you can see from the picture above, sometimes it happens like that. Usually, it happened after unzipping the zipped file and reopening the project. It's so simple to fix this problem. Turn off the project you have a problem with. Get into the project location and delete "TestDelegate.sln" file. Then, re-open the project from unity and double click on "delegateTest" file. And it fixes the prob..
A method as a parameter - how to use Delegate I was thinking about "would it be possible to use a method as a parameter?". And actually, it was possible in JS but in C# it didn't work to pass a method right away. So I found a way to do it in C# and it's called delegate. Let's give it a try passing a method as a parameter. As on the 8th line, declare a variable as a delegate. (delegateTestFunc) The important thing to remember when you declar..
Starting TCP by Unity (3) - Practice In this time, we will send and receive data between Server and Client. Now let's try with clicking a button info to send and receive. Right click on Hierarchy to create a Button. And then right click again in Assets/Scripts to create a script named as ButtonControl. Then put the script into an empty object named ButtonControl. And put a simple code as above. Follow the steps I wrote to put the f..
Starting TCP by Unity (2) - Client https://soja-dev.tistory.com/4 유니티 TCP 시작하기(1) - Server 먼저 C#을 활용하여 Server를 만든 후 유니티를 활용하여 Client로써 Server에 접속할 것이다. 그럼 먼저 Server를 만들어 보자. https://github.com/SoftwareDevJake/TCPServer GitHub - SoftwareDevJake/TCPServ.. soja-dev.tistory.com If you completed making a server by above, then now let's make a client to connect to it https://github.com/SoftwareDevJake/TCPClient GitHub - SoftwareDevJake..
Starting TCP by Unity (1) - Server I'm going to make a server with C# first then make Client with Unity to connect to the Server. So let's make Server part first. https://github.com/SoftwareDevJake/TCPServer GitHub - SoftwareDevJake/TCPServer Contribute to SoftwareDevJake/TCPServer development by creating an account on GitHub. github.com Get files from about by using "git clone" After you get all of them, just simply open Console..
Unity tips for Beginner (2) - Dealing with static string and int This tip is connectable with my first tip and every developers sholud know about this tip! When a developer writes some codes, there are some static string or int. It's easy to take care of the whole codes by doing this. Because I announced it with static, I don't need to put this script into the code where I need it!
Unity tips for Beginner (1) - StreamingAssets Some parts you may need to change after you build your project. So This is a simple code for reading some data from txt file. Put them into a txt file inside of StreamingAssets folder. Here is what I did for my project. I needed to change IP and PORT number so I made it in this way before I build it. Line 1 : Explanation for Line2 Line 2 : Value explained from Line 1 Line 3 : Explanation for Lin..